School Newsletter

December Newsletter:

Hello St. Francis community!

I wanted to take a quick moment to introduce myself, my name is Kirk Robinson and I am the new school principal at St Francis. I have now been with the ETSB for 25 + years.  The school team have been exceptional at welcoming me and bringing me up to the speed on the important work being done to help move our school forward. I look forward to continuing to help our school grow.

The success of our students is very important to us, and participation of our parents is key to this success. Please keep your child’s teachers up to date with any important information about your child. 

I wish everyone a happy and healthy school start up and I look forward to meeting many of you soon.

Mr. Robinson

Here is our staff for this year:


PKM – Carly Morin

PKS –  Andreanne Senechal 

KP – Jessica Prior

KH – Kelly Hodge

1B – Helena Bates (Staff Assistant)

1R – Nathalie Reid

2B – Nathalie Bolduc

2T – Marie-Laurence Toussaint

3S – Erin Scoble

3M – Nicolas Mailhot

4C – Aaron Corey

4M – Jessica Mailloux

5J – Stephanie Jonker

5V – Valerie Guenette

6S – Mandy Sullivan

6A – Juana Ataalla

French/Music Teacher – Julie Turcotte

French Teacher – Charles Etienne Brault

Science/ELA Teacher – Sarine Konyalian

Physical Education – Alison Girouard Archibald

Resource – Kristen Smith

Resource – Jasmine Mason

Resource – Robbie Hinds

Student Service Team:

Psychologist – Isabelle Rodrigue & Denise Robinson

Occupational Therapist –  Rachel Lassenba

Speech and Language Pathologist – Manon Daisomont

Support Staff

Special Education Technicians and Student Attendants:

Tammy Provis – Attendant

Gail Johnston – Attendant

Tammy Henderson – Attendant

Gabrielle Pelletier-Lachapelle  – Attendant

Penny Badger – Attendant


Caretaker: Marc Renaud


Noon hour supervision:

Helen Malboeuf

Sarah Oakley (also K4 helper)

Lynn Papineau

Tammy Henderson

Pennie Lynch

Office Staff:

Tammy Porter – School Secretary (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday)

Louise Perkins – School Secretary (Thursday)

Gail Johnston – School Secretary (Lunch hour Daily)

Kitchen Staff:

Shirley Cross


If your child is ill, notify the school and keep them home. Fill out the self-assessment and follow the instructions:

Water Bottles

Please send a full water bottle with your child daily at school. Students will have access to touch free refilling stations throughout the day.

Full-time Attendance

All students (K4 to secondary 5) will be coming to school on a full-time basis.

A message from our PPO

Our PPO would like to welcome all K and K4 parents or new parents to St. Francis to a welcome back activity to be held at our outdoor classroom as the school day starts.

Important Information for pick up and drop off of students

End of the day bus dismissal

At 3:20, the bell rings. All students are brought down to their designated door to be dismissed. All students (except daycare students) will leave the building at 3:20.

Walkers will leave the school and immediately start walking home.

Daycare students will head straight to the daycare room.

Bus students will walk to their buses

Students being picked up are to stay against the brick gym wall outside the brown doors (near the outdoor equipment room). They will need to wait there until ALL buses have left the parking lot, then their parents will come into the “Loop” to pick their children up. Mr, Hinds and Mr. Corey will be monitoring this.

Very Important:

1) No student may leave the school until Mr. Corey or Mr. Hinds tells them it is OK. Sometimes buses arrive late and students may not be outside when buses are in motion in the parking lot.

2) At the end of the day, students are to go directly onto their buses. This is not a time for socialization.

3) Parents must notify the school secretary in writing (note sent in the morning with their child or by email to ) by 10:40 a.m.  for any change in their child’s transportation routine.

St. Francis Daycare Information

Our daycare will be up and running this year and the team is really looking forward to an exciting year. A reminder for daycare hours:

Regular school days

7:00 – 8:45

3:20 – 5:30

Planning Days

7:00 – 5:30

It is very important for parents to respect the hours assigned and to be on time for pick up

If there are any questions or if you wish to inquire about space available for your child please contact:  or by phone 819 – 826-3737 ext. 11870

School day schedule

Supervision of the school yard begins at 8:35. Parents are asked not to arrive with their children before this time.

First bell for students to prepare to enter the school : 8:43

First class begins : 8:50

Recess : 10:20 – 10:40

Lunch Hour 11:55 – 12:45

Afternoon recess 2:15 – 2:35

End of school day 3:20

Cafeteria Information

Lunch hour schedule

In an effort to limit the number of students present in the cafeteria at one time the following schedule will be put in place:

Kindergarten will eat lunch from 11:30 – 11:50

Cycle 1 and Grade 3 from 11:55 – 12:15

Grade 4 and cycle 3 from 12:20 – 12:45

First week of school menu

Prices are staying the same as last year, which is $4.75.  It is $1.00 for a snack. To purchase a meal this week, please send the money with your child in the morning.

Tuesday: Grilled cheese and tomato soup

Wednesday: Macaroni and cheese

Thursday: Ham and cheese wraps with veggie sticks

Friday: Spaghetti and meat sauce

The pre order menu for the month of September will be going home on the first day of school.